Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Winning Courtroom Etiquette
2:07 PM

Winning Courtroom Etiquette

from the desk of Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD

Click HERE for Audio Version!

Everyone knows, "You catch more flies with honey, but sometimes you need a fly swatter!"

That's true in court, and if you want to win in court you need to read this week's Tips & Tactics very carefully!image

There's a fine, critical line you must walk between being polite and respectful and standing your ground to demand Justice!

You need to learn this ... if you want to win!

Bullies don't win points.

Pansies don't win lawsuits!

You must be bold, but polite at all times.

This is not always easy but, in every single case, it is the very best posture for those who wish to win.

I give you a few introductory tips in this Tips & Tactics, but you need my affordable step-by-step Jurisdictionary course to master the proper balance between bowing and scraping to the judge and butting heads to no purpose!

Etiquette Rule #1: This is not the judge's courtroom. He (forgive me, ladies, I'll just use the male pronoun here, but we all know some wonderful judges are women) may pound his gavel and shout disdainfully at you, "This is my courtroom!" But! It's not. It belongs to the people who pay for the building, the bailiff, the clerk, the electric bill, and his salary with our taxes!

Moreover, that courtroom you're standing in was paid for by the blood of some wonderful young people who gave the ultimate sacrifice so you and I could enjoy "Justice" in our courts! Never forget this fact. It will give you the correct attitude to take when standing your ground in court! Your right to be there is a "right", not a "privilege" conferred by the gorilla in a black robe sitting on the high bench above you.

He is not the law!

He is a hireling charged with the responsibility of seeing that the RULES OF COURT are obeyed to-the-letter!

Our courts are for us common people!


Etiquette Rule #2: Nobody likes a smart ass!

And, by that term I do not refer to any part of anatomy but to the foolish idea of a donkey professing wisdom that it obviously does not possess.

Humility is powerful. Indeed, some have said the very definition of humility is power under control.

Another way of expressing this rule is remembering what some famous person said about those who may be thought a fool but then open their mouths and dispel all doubt.

If you know what Jurisdictionary teaches and stick to the RULES, you won't need to pontificate on the arcane obscurities of jurisprudence nor find it necessary to use big words you don't yet fully understand (like those three).

Be a human!

The judge may be a pompous egotist, but he is human, after all, and if you want to get a judge on your bad side quickly, just come across as thinking you're smarter than him ... even if you truly are!

Always use the K.I.S.S. principle. Keep it simple, stupid!

If you've learned anything at all from my step-by-step Jurisdictionary course, it is that this whole business is simple. Winners make it simple!

Losers try to impress the judge and jury with concepts they barely understand, instead of talking to the court as they might talk to a close friend.

Arrogance is lethal to your cause.

Etiquette Rule #3: You must control the judge!

Ok. That probably sounds contrary to what I said above, but it should be Rule #1 ... but for the vital fact that the first two rules are more important. The human equation is always present in court. You must deal with human flaws, human emotions, human bias.


You must control the judge by applying Jurisdictionary methods: timely objections, properly framed motions, the controlling case law that strikes terror into the judge's all-too-often stony heart, making certain the proceedings will be recorded and that you will be able to get a transcript to use on appeal if the judge rules against you, and many other things too numerous to list in a single Tips & Tactics newsletter.

Judges are not gods!

Judges are employees who work for the People!

Being disrespectful will get you nowhere.

Staring at your shoes and apologizing for taking up the court's valuable time will also get you nowhere.

Dress your best, so the judge cannot get into his head that you cannot afford to appeal him or that you're just not smart enough to win on appeal. Judges hate appeals. Part of the power you have for winning is making it crystal clear to the judge that ruling against you will have certain consequences not to his liking! Polished shoes. A freshly dry-cleaned suit and recent haircut put the judge on notice you did not just fall off a turnip truck.

Strike fear into the judge's heart, but be polite doing it!

Cite the rules and case law that explain the rules.

Cite the common law and case law that explain it.

Cite the statutes and case law that explain them.

Cite constitutional provisions and case law that interpret them.

Your opinion means absolutely nothing in court!

Written opinions of appellate courts that can overturn the judge's decision or criticize him for missing the mark are the only "opinions" that will carry the day for you. If it's a federal case, the only opinions that count are written decisions of the local District Court, the controlling Circuit Court of Appeals, or the United States Supreme Court. If you're in state court, the only opinions that count are written decisions of the state appellate court that controls the trial judge, the state supreme court, and the United States Supreme Court.

Nonsense ideas learned from would-be legal gurus who send junk email to your in box each week will only get you into deeper water ... and likely result in your drowning in a sea of ridiculous legal theories that have no control at all over the judge.

My affordable step-by-step Jurisdictionary course is the only resource that makes it easy enough for an 8th grader to learn what it takes to win in court!

There's a lot to it, but none of it is differential calculus or rocket science.

If you already have my powerful, popular course, urge everyone to get it immediately so they can learn how to win in court and protect their families by using the official rules to control and overcome crooked lawyers and corrupt judges.

I've given you a few ideas in today's Tips & Tactics on how to handle yourself in court, but you need my course to learn more - and you do need to learn more about it!

Tell everyone about Jurisdictionary !

If you have a lawyer, it's foolish not to know what your lawyer should be doing to win for you. Too many lawyers are afraid of the judge. Too many won't stand up for you when the judge "cops an attitude". Too many will drain you of your last dime by dragging out your case when, by using the methods explained by my Jurisdictionary course, you could have won the case within a few weeks or months, instead of spending years and all your hard-earned cash so your liar (oops, I meant lawyer) can drive a Jaguar!

If you don't have a lawyer, you are certain to lose if you don't learn what my course makes so easy-to-understand, because your opponent will use the rules to defeat you if you don't know how to stand up and use the rules in your own favor to win!

Order my step-by-step Jurisdictionary course now and start learning how to use the rules today (if you aren't one of the thousands of smart people already learning how to use the rules to win lawsuits with my affordable course).

Where there is crookedness, corruption, and rebellion against our American values, let's all do the right thing, the patriotic thing, the honorable thing, and step up to the plate for our neighbors and friends and demand that the rules too many have died for be honored by judges!

Together, with knowledge of the rules that control every court in our land, we can be the generation that restores: Liberty and Justice for ALL.

Stop courtroom corruption!

Get justice for yourself, your family, and your nation!

Help me restore due process to our nation by telling EVERYONE about Jurisdictionary!

Know the rules that command justice!

Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD


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