Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Winning Courtroom Etiquette
2:07 PM

Winning Courtroom Etiquette

from the desk of Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD Click HERE for Audio Version! Everyone knows, "You catch more flies with honey, but sometimes you need a fly swatter!" That's true in court, and if you want to win in court you need to read this week's Tips & Tactics very carefully! There's a fine, critical line you must walk between being polite and respectful and standing...

Lawsuit Winners Helping Others!
1:55 PM

Lawsuit Winners Helping Others!

from the desk of Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD Many of you are struggling to understand the maze of legal confusion that's coming at you with legal horrors and treacherous legal traps you never expected, troubles you were never prepared to fight alone. Yet, many of you are alone. Too much alone. You need friends. You need each other! You are not alone! Tens of thousands of you have the Jurisdictionary case-winning know-how you can use to help others win. Help each other...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Foreclosure Defense Toolbox #1
10:53 AM

Foreclosure Defense Toolbox #1

from the desk of Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD: Here are a few foreclosure defense tools you can use to fight abusive lenders and their attorneys. I'll send more as time permits. These should be filed with memoranda of law citing controlling appellate court opinions that rule the trial judge where your case is pending. Merely stating the rule is no substitute for citing the controlling case law that controls the judge! To learn more about memoranda and citations, use my...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Make a Winning Court Record!
11:30 AM

Make a Winning Court Record!

from the desk of Dr. Frederick David Graves, JD Tips & TacticsClick HERE for Audio Version! Each week I receive reports from good people who lost in court because they did not heed the Jurisdictionary warning about the need to make an effective court record and why making an effective court record is essential to winning in court ... with or without a lawyer! You must make an effective court record to win! Losers usually fail for one of the following reasons: Failure...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Legal Self Help - Arguing Motions
6:12 PM

Legal Self Help - Arguing Motions

Tips & Tactics Arguing MotionsSo, you've drafted your motion, filed it with the clerk, sent a copy to the judge, and served the other side. You've supported your motion with a carefully-researched and well-written memorandum, setting out relevant facts and legal arguments why the court should grant your motion. You've scheduled hearing time with the judge's Judicial Assistant agreeable to the other side. You've filed your Notice of Hearing with the clerk and sent...

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